How to Start Your Own SEO Agency?

Many consumers rely on Google and other search engines for product and service listings. It’s become common practice for online businesses to work together with SEO agencies to improve their search rankings.

With the growing market for online business, this is the best time to launch your own SEO agency. In this guide, we’ll talk about the essentials to building your own SEO agency.

What is an SEO Agency?

A Search Engine Optimization (SEO) agency specializes in generating organic web traffic for businesses. Their goal is to increase a business’ online visibility by improving its search rankings in search engines like Google and Bing.

An SEO agency typically produces online traffic by using techniques like content creation, keyword research and other technical optimizations.

In-Depth Guide on Building Your SEO Agency

Now that you’re familiar with the basics of an SEO agency, let’s get started on helping you start your own.

1.    Define Your Niche

Before launching your SEO agency, you need to define your niche.

A niche is a specific target or focus that sets your agency apart from the competition. By defining your niche, you are essentially declaring your SEO agency’s specialization.

Some SEO agencies hesitate with defining their niche because they want to target a broad range of business. Declaring a niche may turn away some project opportunities however, many businesses will prefer to work with a specialized SEO agency rather than a general one.

SEO agencies with a defined niche are more appealing to businesses that operate in the same field. For example, your SEO agency has its niche in healthcare. Any medical-related businesses, such as private clinics or medical suppliers, will prefer your SEO agency rather than a general SEO agency with no definite niche.

When you define a niche for your agency, take these factors into consideration:

  • Personal Skills and Interests. If you have past experiences or are passionate about a certain industry, then you can certainly choose that as your SEO agency’s niche. Use what you already know to further improve the services that your SEO agency offers.
  • Demand. Defining a niche may limit the type of clients you’ll get, however it may also make you the agency of choice for those clients. Carefully consider if your chosen niche will bring a lot of future opportunities for your SEO agency.
  • Market Competition. How saturated is the niche that you’re targeting? You may find it difficult to get started in niches with a lot of competition. It is generally advisable to target niches with less competition.

2.    Choose What Services to Offer

Businesses choose which SEO agency to partner with based on the services they offer. At its core, your SEO agency should be able to increase search rankings, improve keyword rankings, and generate online traffic.

Choose what services to offer based on your defined niche. If your niche requires mostly keyword research and content creation to improve SEO performance, then you could offer specialized services. By doing so, you’re establishing your agency’s branding and reducing competition.

Still, it’s beneficial for SEO agencies to offer multiple services, especially if they come in a full SEO package.

To start your SEO agency, you must be able to deliver these key services:

  • SEO Strategy Creation
  • SEO Audits
  • Keyword Research
  • Link Building
  • Competitor Analysis
  • High-Quality Content Creation
  • Off-Page and On-Page SEO

Your agency, depending on your capabilities, may offer all or some of these services. You can offer peripheral services or choose to focus on the essential services.

3.    Build a Well-Rounded Team

It isn’t advisable to handle your agency’s operations by yourself, especially if you’re taking on multiple clients. A talented, well-rounded team is necessary to keep your agency running smoothly.

SEO agencies typically hire in-house employees or outsource contractual ones.

In-house employees are your full-time or part-time employees. They directly work for your agency. You can train and supervise them according to the agency’s needs. Meanwhile, contractors are short-term hired for certain projects. They don’t necessarily require extensive training and tend to cost less.

4.    Promote your SEO Agency

An SEO agency should know how to market their own services. Use your own SEO practices to improve your search rankings and get the attention of potential clients.

Promoting your agency isn’t limited to SEO methods. Take advantage of social media websites like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. Try publishing some content to build your agency’s reputation and value. Schedule your posts intermediately to maintain a good social media presence.

You also offer free services to showcase your services. This is a standard practice for SEO agencies that just started out. You can do complimentary SEO audits or content creation to get your foot in the door and build your network of potential clients.

Once you have a solid foundation for your SEO agency, try sending out targeted cold emails to potential clients. Identify businesses that are within your niche and create an email pitch on how they can benefit from your services.

5.    Build a Good Relationship with Clients

Clients want an SEO service that shows results.

Personalize your SEO proposals to meet the client’s goals and set realistic expectations about your services. You can also give clients evidence of your service quality by citing your past work. Ensure that your agency delivers on agreed work to build a good rapport with the client.

Stay in constant communication with the client throughout the project’s duration. Explain to your client the results of your SEO, how they’re benefiting from them, and other potential services that could help.

Moreover, clients will talk about the quality of your work. They might leave reviews or talk to business partners about your services. A good review will open opportunities to get more clients and projects for your agencies.

6.    Stay Updated on SEO Trends

SEO is constantly changing over time.

Search engines typically introduce new algorithms that affect search rankings results. New technologies and tools may also be available for improving website traffic. Stay on top of your competition by keeping updated on these new trends and updates.

Check out what services top-performing SEO agencies are offering to their clients. Try to learn if their methods can be adapted to yours.

Make adjustments to your services to provide clients with better results and grow your SEO agency.


Learning the basics is essential for starting or growing your own SEO company. Define your niche, preferred services, and clients to get the best results.

If you’re interested in additional SEO services for your agency, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

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