Case Study: How I Took My Travel Niche Blog To Thousands Of Visitors Per Month

Building an effective blog surely takes a lot of effort, but you’ll do just fine with the right approach. You’ll need to figure out the niche you’re comfortable with first. The next crucial step should involve identifying effective methods to reach your target audience and boost your readership. In my case, it took me a … Read more

SEO Case Study #002 | Helping A Legal Niche Blog Make It Big!

So here we go again. This case study is super close to my heart because I started working on this project in 2019 when I was just a VA. By VA I mean I was doing menial jobs for the client, like posting articles on WordPress, etc. Humble Beginnings It was September 2019, I was … Read more

Blogging Case Study #001 | How To Ruin A Blog?

So this first case study is going to be about a well-performing blog that got ruined because of the owner’s mishandling of the situation. Let’s dive right into it and discuss what went wrong. Taking OBL Sky High High OBL (Outbound Link(s)) means that Google will definitely suspect that the website is involved in artificially … Read more